Thursday, 24 May 2012

Mathemagic: Math is Fun!

Hello, Dolls!

How are you today? I am wishing you had a really good day. As I said in my previous post, here I fulfill the promise I said to share about "mathematics simple card". Mirah and I were going to Kado Kita before we had our ultra short paper quilling course. We both loves beautiful wrapping paper, textured paper and colorful ribbon. No wonder we put Kado Kita as one of the most calming place in the world! :D

We were take a look around and my eyes seen a cute numerical wrapping paper. It is more like a wrapping paper to wrap kid's gift but I do like it. I love the combination of the numbers, colors and its glossy texture. I bought it one even actually I had no idea what to do with this paper.

On the next couple day, I came up with the idea of making mathematics card theme. I remember when I was kid, I love mathematics subject. I am not a super smart girl who is exactly excellent in math, but I do love the mathematics' magic. Since I was kid, my daddy told me about the importance of math in our life. Unfortunately, no matter how much I love math, no matter how hard I learn math, my logical mathematics' understanding ability always way lower than Dhidha's :(. You know what is the part of math that I am best of? Yes, counting the discount. LOL! :p

Even I am not a super smart mathematics girl, I would like to give an honor to all of my mathematics teachers from kindergarten to senior high. Even they may not reading this blog, I hope they will know that here is their student already growing up and no matter how many times I failed to understand some part of mathematics in past, I still love mathematics as well. :)

Here is the honor, I share my simple mathematics card!

The card is made with lettering technique, using HVS white paper strips (100gr). It covers with numerical wrapping paper and supported with a polka dot brown-white ribbon, also a red flower made by punch art. Talking about the flower, I did not punch it my self because yeah I don't have the puncher yet. LOL! I bought it from a friend of mine who sells punch art creations and scrapbook supply.

Well, enough for today. I would share more post about my paper quilling project soon. During that, I wish you all dolls are having a great day!

Syaifa Tania

Paper Quilling Card Handmade and Created by Syaifa Tania

Photographed by Christa Adhi Dharma


  1. Aku juga suka ke Kado Kita. Betah berlama-lama di sana. Tapi pas nengok both handmade cards nya, jadi sediiiihh. Coz penataannya berantakan. Hiks... :(

    1. iya mbak setuju, booth cards-nya berantakan dan kadang nggak banyak variasinya. aku sekarang malah mending bawa dan bikin sendiri kartunya dibandingin beli di sana. kertasnya juga bagus-bagus tapi itungannya mahal, aku coba beli di toko kertas lain ada yang persis&lebih besar ukurannya terus harganya diitung-itung lebih murah daripada sana.
