Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Another Flower Wreath for My Little Cousin

Hai, Dolls!
Here I fulfill the promise I made in my first post to share my second and third flower wreath made by paper quilling. These flower wreath is way more colorful and attractive than the previous one. I used a thinner paper (spektra paper 80gs) in different colors. I mostly used the cyber color because it is way brighter and since these flower wreath is meant to be my little cousin's, so I made it colorful.

It was my little cousin who visit my house and found the first flower wreath. Then she asked me to make some for her and her younger sister for their bedroom in their new house. I was more than happy to make.

And for sure like the other post, the photo was captured by my man, Christa Adhi Dharma so that the quality is way better than the photo that I captured by my self. LOL!

Would be glad to show you more in my next post, dear!

Syaifa Tania

Paper Quilling Flower Wreath Handmade and Created by Syaifa Tania
Photographed by Christa Adhi Dharma


  1. quilled corona yang cantik, Tania.
    Selamat berkreasi ya....happy quilling

    keep on quilling,

    1. terima kasih, mbak susan.
      saya suka banget lho teknik beehive-nya, nanti saya post kreasi quilling yang pakai teknik itu ya. hihi tapi saya masih harus terus belajar dari mbak susan nih biar teknik beehive-nya sempurna.:)

  2. Waaaawww.... cantik banget wreath nya. Jadi penasaran. Ayo kopdaran biar aku bisa belajaaarrrr.... :-D

  3. halo, mbak iin. makasih banyak :)
    ayo ayo kalau pada mau kumpul lagi tolong aku dikabarin dong mbak hehe. aku juga pengen belajar stamp craft nih. :)

  4. Both look beautiful
    Cheers from Bangalore, India

    1. thank you, Dr Sonia.
      I just visited your blog and I really like your tutorial posts. thank you for sharing and visiting my blog! :)

  5. Replies
    1. thank you for visiting and appreciating my works, sergal quilling. happy quilling and have a nice day! :)
